Wilder.Cribs Whitelist Raffle Winners Announced

As we prepare to officially cut the ribbon on the next industry to be launched in Wilder World, we are excited to announce to our community the Wilder.Cribs Whitelist Raffle winners, a monumental occasion for The Wilder Nation.

It’s often said that “If you build it, they will come” and this couldn’t hold more true than it does with Wilder.Cribs. This stunning piece of architecture elegantly known as “Qube”, is a place for all of your wildest dreams to come true and the flagship piece of property in Wiami.

In World footage of the Qube

A quick recap of the Whitelisting Raffle process:

As outlined in our previous Zine, we take fairness and integrity seriously, that’s why our whitelisting processes are particular and randomized to give everyone an equal opportunity.

Our algorithm washed the list of entries for several data points including how much WILD and ETH entrants had in their wallet, the IP address of participants, along with other various tools to keep things fair and to flush out the Bots. This process whittled a list of thousands down to 81 winning entries.

We also took this opportunity to honour our diehard core community members that have consistently showed up and added meaningful value to Wilder World. We’re all about rewarding our community members that contribute magic to the Wilder Nation. This process provided for 18 winning entries.

To build anticipation for the Wilder.Cribs drop and to further give back to our community, we kept a number of Cribs for the DAO, Giveaways, and Promotion. For this process we ringfenced 9 Wilder.Cribs.

  • Wilder Nation = 81 Cribs
  • Community Wadvocates = 18 Cribs
  • DAO, Giveaways, Promotion = 9 Cribs

To find out if you won a place on the Whitelist Raffle please cross reference your ETH wallet with the winners list here - Whitelist Raffle Winners.

Please note that we will never ask you to send us any WILD or ETH and mods and managers will never message you first.

Important information regarding the Wilder.Cribs Drop

For the lucky Whitelist Raffle entrants who have gained access to the sale of, our 1 of 1 procedurally generated NFT luxury apartments in the Qube Building, this is what you need to know:

  • Whitelist Sale starts November 30, 2021 at 6PM PST
  • Mint Price: 501 WILD + Gas Fees (track real time gas prices here)
  • Visit market.wilderworld.com to Mint
  • After 48hrs unclaimed Cribs open to the public (first come, first served)
  • Minting process is outlined below

Made the Whitelist for Cribs?

Congrats! Here are the steps on how to mint:

Step 1: Go to the Wilder World Metaverse Market (WWMM). At the top of the page there will be a banner that says “Get your Crib.” On the far right click “Mint Now." Please make sure you're on a desktop when minting Cribs.

*Note: If you’ve already connected your wallet, DO NOT “Request to Mint” an NFT at the top right. Instead please click the “Mint Now” in the banner image.

Placing a bid on Wilder World Metaverse Market is not the same as minting. Minting your own Crib will randomly select a Crib from the remaining lot. Bidding will happen on Cribs which have already been minted on the WWMM. To mint your Cribs, make sure you follow the button in the banner on WWMM to “Mint Now.”

Step 2: Once you’ve clicked “Mint Now” you may be required to connect your wallet if you haven’t already done so. Make sure you are signed in with the wallet that you signed the Whitelist Raffle with. Click “Connect Wallet.”

Step 3: A pop up screen will appear and require your digital signature in order to connect your MetaMask to the WWMM.

*Signing your Wallet will incur a gas fee in order to transact with WILD.

Step 4: Once you’re connected click “Mint Your Cribs.” Price per Crib is 501 WILD + ETH gas fees.

Step 5: Voila! Your mint should be all good! Your new Crib will reveal in just a few minutes! You can either head to your profile page on WWMM, which can be found by clicking the little round avatar in the top right. Or you may want to go to your OpenSea profile page and watch the reveal. This is when party planning for your Wiami Crib gets real ;)

Step 6: Once your Crib has revealed, it’s time to share your fresh real estate in the Wilder World Discord or on Twitter! Make sure you mention us for a retweet.

Congrats to all the new Cribs collectors and huge cheers to everyone who participated in the Whitelist Raffle. If you’re curious about the rarity distribution of our first Cribs drop, stay tuned! We will release details on this once all Cribs have been minted. It's an honour to share this next revolution of Wilder World with each and every one of you as we continue to grow and build together towards a future Protopia we envision, this is just the beginning.

The Wilders salute you.

** Zine updated on 11/30 at 4:35 PM PST
- Originally we stated there would not be a gas fee for approving a signature for the wallet.