The Wolf Pack Beckons: Rarity and Utility Revealed

Greetings Wilder Wolf Pack!
With the mint for our genesis Wilder Beasts collection complete and the reveal process started, we can now confirm more exciting new information surrounding The Wild Wolf Pack’s sudden emergence in Wiami and the role they’ll play in your metaverse journey.

When The Wolf Pack escaped their collapsing dimension to find refuge in Wilder World, the portal they traveled through became highly unstable. Many Wolves arrived in Wiami unharmed to forever roam their new wilderness, but others were not so lucky.
Wolves who were heavily injured halfway through the portal required parts of their bodies to be replaced, receiving powerful new mech components to become partially bionic.
The alphas and elder Wolves, who entered the portal last, crossed dimensions only in spirit. The closure of the portal made the wolves entirely ethereal. With their physical vessels eliminated, they had to be restored with full mech bodies.
The end result of their tumultuous voyage to Wilder World is a pack of organic, hybrid, and fully mech Wolves loaded with powerful abilities and rare attributes ready to unleash across the metaverse.
Let’s discover The Wilder Wolf Pack in all its glory!
Despite their untamable nature and need to roam free in Wiami, Wolves are known to offer assistance to Wilders in strong alignment with the Wilder Spirit.
They make for excellent companions ready to aid your Web3 journey as you explore the city of Wiami.
Each Wolf can either follow you in companion mode or be channeled, allowing you to see Wiami through the eyes and body of the Beast!
Depending on the Wolf, you’ll also receive a varying level of bonus sprint speed, hops, and swim speed, outlined below:

The Wild Wolf Pack features a wealth of traits that contribute to the rarity rankings for the collection.
Starting with Wolf type and patterns, see the chart below for full details:

The Wolf Pack consists of a wide array of vibrant colors, bringing Wilder flair across the collection. Colors are outlined in the chart below:

Accessories are exciting identifiers that add a boost to the uniqueness of each Wolf. The full spectrum is on display in the chart below:

The traits that make each Wolf unique come together to form a rarity score within the Wild Wolf Pack collection. For a full list of rarity rankings, make sure you head over to this link to view where your NFTs stand among the collection.
Congratulations to all who secured their Wolves, the Wolf Pack awaits your arrival to Wiami!
If you haven't yet found your Wolf companion, head over to the Wilder World Metaverse Market or the collection's OpenSea page to start forming your own Pack.
Head to the WWMM to see your Wolves revealed the soonest, and be sure to download a high res video of your Wolves from the site to share with The Wilder Nation on Twitter!
The Wilders Salute You.